Semiotic analysis
The first part of the newspaper that is most striking is the word ‘GOTCHA’ taking up around a quarter of the page. I feel that slang is used to attract the interests of those most interested in reading a less sophisticated newspaper, typical of the Sun even today. Under the heading it explains simply what is meant by GOTCHA by using more slang. I guess you could say the newspaper is trying to sound like a mate talking to you so is more heart felt. The way they have used the phrase ‘our lads’ increases interest in the reader because one can identify the article as something that is happening to them and/or people they know.
After reading the Heading and captions my eye is drawn to the pictures. What is most obvious about these is how they describe the boats as being sunk and crippled, almost as if the paper was reporting on a sports match or something of far less importance. This is then taken further by calling the Argentineans Argies. I believe this is an attempt to generate patriotic rivalry and mask/dumb down the real seriousness of the situation. To conclude I believe that the sun is taking an almost propaganda approach mass-producing the publication to spread around the whole country. Its obviously one sided, and is attempting to unite its readers against another country by using clever techniques that make the war seem far less to worry about and more something to be celebrating. Hardly a very humane way of celebrating considering the lives of many men were lost.
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