Wednesday 24 March 2010

image comparison

Exercise 1 image comparison

The Uncle Sam range poster is quite evidently American. The image shouts patriotisms with the American flag printed on almost all the upholstery and surfaces. The focal point of the image is arguably the American man in the centre sitting opposite the globe. However there seems to be a lot going on and the advert requires some studying. Something adverts today rarely require as they are kept simple and obvious for a quick realization of the meaning behind it.

The image was produced a hundred years after US independence, which explains why the poster is so patriotic. To exaggerate the patriotism further other countries are represented by people, all of which seem to have much less importance in the image. Racism is also very evident, as Africa on the globe is represented as a smiley cartoon, whilst an African boy is shown preparing dinner for the people. It could be argued that the two people sitting at the back of the table are in fact English. They’re wearing smart English attire but seem to be very reserved and lacking confidence. It is as though the American is centre of attention and is reveling in it.

As a result the intended audience for the poster is likely to be quite broad, as most Americans would of understood the message at the time. I feel it aims at making the audience feel they are superior and the Range is a superior range for superior people.

The Saville Lumley image is far different with a much smaller specified audience. However Patriotism is still evident but subtly in the upholstery of the chair and arguably the boy playing with his soldiers.

Instead of aiming to make the audience feel superior it aims at making the audience feel guilt. The audience would be men aged 18-45 (men capable of fighting in the war). The caption ‘Daddy what did YOU do in the great war’ assumes every ‘daddy’ should have done something to help in the war. At the time this would have been the general feeling anyway. The image works by making those who hadn’t yet fought feel like they should. It also represents a situation that is familiar to most men and so viewers relate to it making it stronger and more convincing.

The choice of font and illustration is also very different to the Uncle Sam range image. It paints a quiet, quaint image of a father at home playing with his kids. The italic caption beneath looks almost hand written and is quite personal. On the contrary the Uncle Sam range applies large in your face fonts, lots of patriotic colours and symbols and takes a very hard edged approach.

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